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Use Case
Benjamin Mimran
Product Marketing
Benjamin Mimran

Reinventing customer knowledge

A Cohort x Typeform experience
Benjamin Mimran
Product Marketing
Benjamin Mimran
' read
Reinventing customer knowledge: a Cohort x Typerform experience
In a report on consumer trends in Europe for 2024 conducted by Marigold, 84% of consumers questioned about their favorite brands praised the latter's ability to make them feel "considered as individuals in their own right". The personalization of the communication, offer and experience offered to customers thus seems to play a growing and vital role in their decision-making processes. But to achieve this, retail brands need to know more about the personalities, values, sensitivities and interests of each of their prospects/customers.
In a report on consumer trends in Europe for 2024 conducted by Marigold, 84% of consumers questioned about their favorite brands praised the latter's ability to make them feel "considered as individuals in their own right". The personalization of the communication, offer and experience offered to customers thus seems to play a growing and vital role in their decision-making processes. But to achieve this, retail brands need to know more about the personalities, values, sensitivities and interests of each of their prospects/customers.
As in this case, brands' prospect/customer knowledge is often reduced to purely transactional data, which does not enable them to create the personalized brand experience consumers expect in 2024.

At Cohort, we understand this challenge, and that's why we've designed our entire solution to enable you to truly enrich your customer knowledge, in collaboration with your key stakeholders.In this article, we'll explore how our users can, in just a few minutes, combine the power of our journeys module with our Typeform integration to generate engagement while capturing individualized, behavioral data... And consent!


- First of all, go to your back office and access our application marketplace to connect your Typeform account to Cohort.


Here's a step-by-step guide to creating your first Typeform connection with Cohort! 👉

- Next, create a ❶ Journey campaign, then choose your ❷ Audience before associating a ❸ Reward to your Journey, which you'll have configured beforehand on our platform.


- In Settings > ❹ Appearance , customize your Journey by choosing a title, a CTA, a description and an appropriate visual.

Pro Tip

Use the customizable elements in Appearance to help your users understand your approach while immersing themselves in the world of your brand.Here, for example, the description and visual can detail the content of the Typeform questionnaire, while highlighting the reward that will be obtained upon completion of the Journey!


- In Settings > ❺ Steps, click on Add a step, then once in ❻ New step, fill in the title and description of your step before clicking on Add a trigger


>  In ❼ Trigger, simply select :

- The Typeform application

- The Answer Questionnaire action

- The connection to the Typeform workspace of your choice

- The questionnaire to which you wish to redirect your users

Then simply click on Save trigger, then Add to Journey !


Pro Tip

You can create as many stages as you like in a Journey, and use our Instagram integration, for example, to invite your users to authenticate with their account to enrich your customer knowledge even further !

- Now all you have to do is check your Journey configuration in ❽ Review, then click Publish Campaign. That's it, your Journey is now available in your users' Experience Space !



Once in their Experience Space (directly integrated into your e-commerce site or application), users can now access your Journey from the Home page (or in the dedicated section).


By clicking on the Journey, the user discovers the stages that make it up, as well as the reward to be obtained in the event of completion. All they have to do is click on Answer Questionnaire to complete the first step configured with Typeform.


The user can then answer the questionnaire directly from the Experience Space, which works on both desktop and mobile !

Once the questionnaire has been completed, the user is redirected to the Journey, and the step now appears as Completed. If all Journey steps have been successfully completed, the user can then click on the "Get Your Reward!" CTA to discover the reward they've just won!

Technical precision

Thanks to our integration, the step validation process is fully automated. In other words, in this particular case, until the user has completed the entire questionnaire, it will be impossible to complete the step !

The icing on the cake : all the answers provided by the user go straight back into your back office in the users section.

You can now export this data to enrich your CRM, or use this data in Cohort to segment your users into cohorts to further personalize the pathways and rewards they are subsequently offered.

Explore Cohort's potential for your project. Make an appointment with us for a comprehensive, tailor-made introduction.